Pupils, apprentices and students

Crystal clear insight in theory and practice

IT and/or business studies are your passion, and you like to be in the middle of the action? Have you just finished or almost finished school, or do you want to change your current studies or training and start on the right career path? With us, you will find the best opportunities for this: be it apprenticeship, dual studies, internships or working student jobs – with the prospect of being hired and starting a career!

Whether you are doing an apprenticeship, an internship, a part-time job, your practical semester, or your entire bachelor’s/master’s degree with us or writing your thesis: It’s easy to get started with us, and if you like it here, your chances of being hired are good.
What exactly will you do while working with us? Read on and find out!

Here’s the apprenticeship with a future!

We will train you as an Industrial Clerk (m/f/o), IT Specialist Application Development (m/f/o) or IT Specialist System Integration (m/f/o).

Through an apprenticeship at A+W you get a crystal clear view: You will get to know our company from the ground up, you will experience the process flows of the various departments first-hand and you will be part of the whole. Another advantage for you: we offer you professional experience in a growing, internationally oriented company portfolio.

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As an Industrial Clerk (m/f/o), you won’t be bored at all, because you will support our finance department in its daily work and get to know the processing, booking and controlling of the company’s transactions.
As an IT Specialist Application Development (m/f/o), you will be working in our development departments and programming a wide variety of applications. You will learn how to design and implement software projects within our development teams and assist in the analysis and planning of IT systems.
As a future IT Specialist System Integration (m/f/o), you will plan and configure networks, network hardware and software components and instruct users; you will also determine malfunctions and errors and correct them professionally. You will never twiddle your thumbs, because you will, among other things, support our IT department in its daily work and help your colleagues with hardware and software problems related to computers or make connected devices functional again.

Our apprenticeship opportunities

Partnership StudiumPlus: The Ultimate Dual Study!

Do you want a full-fledged university degree with intensive practical insights, payment according to our in-house compensation model and above-average career opportunities?

That’s exactly what you get with our dual study concept, our StudiumPlus partnership: Together with the Technical University of Applied Sciences of Central Hesse, the Competence Center Dual University Studies of StudiumPlus e.V. and the Chamber Association of Central Hesse of the Lahn-Dill Chamber of Industry and Commerce, we combine theory and practice to create the ultimate learning experience! What can you expect?
Learning in small groups, individual support, motivational mentoring, and a modern infrastructure. It’s not without reason that 95% of StudiumPlus students graduate in the regular study period and stay with their respective partner companies right after graduation, often directly in responsible positions.
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General Information on Dual Studies

So you have optioned your high school diploma or university entrance qualification? Then you could get off to a flying start with us and embark on a full dual study program. Take a look at your options: You can either let off steam in the field of computer science, or more precisely, aim for a Bachelor’s degree in business informatics, software technology or technical computer science. Or perhaps you are more interested in business administration and SME management.

And what comes after the Bachelor’s degree? Well, you’re spoiled for choice. You could either opt for a Master of Science in Process Management/Business Processes. Or how about a Master of Engineering in Technical Sales? The options are many, and it’s up to you to choose the direction that best suits your interests and goals.

But no matter what you choose, there is one thing that is particularly important: you need to be passionate about your field. You should be curious and motivated to soak up knowledge and always strive for excellence. Why? Because this is the key to your future success. A dual study program can be demanding, but it also gives you the biggest advantage: a job that you really enjoy and where you can live out your passion. So, what are you waiting for? Enter the world of dual studies and shape your future!

Our study opportunities

Practical: Internship

Valuable: Work-Study

Are you already in the middle of your bachelor’s or master’s studies? You’ve got the theoretical knowledge nailed down, but you’re longing for something more tangible? Then put theory into practice with us and gain valuable work experience: in a practical semester or as part of your project phase, your thesis, or a student job. You are always welcome to stay with us for as long as you like, depending on your study regulations. Most of our offers are for prospective IT students, but occasionally we also have something in the field of business administration. You will be paid according to our advantageous in-house compensation model and, if everything goes smoothly, you can look forward to being hired!

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Hi, I’m Kirsten,
your contact for
pupils, apprentices and students.
I’m here to answer your questions!

+49 641 96620-125