"Our production is very well-organized. With its integrated concept, A+W Cantor helps us make our high demands for customer service, reliability, and delivery reliability a reality. (…) Paperless production describes just one aspect of our intelligent production. The most important thing for us is that every employee action should create value – unproductive activities, such as searching and tracing no longer exist."

Gerhard Vauth



Paperless production describes only one aspect

Trust thanks to quality and reliable service – this is the heart of window manufacturer dtH Tiemann’s corporate philosophy. The company’s PVC and aluminum windows and doors have satisfied the highest demands for design, comfort, and security for decades.

The company manufactures about 700 window units per day on state of the art IT-controlled production lines. In 2005, the decision was made to introduce A+W Cantor corporate software, which maps all corporate processes, from entry of the element at dtH Tiemann trading partners to installation at the end customer.

Since then, the transport lines and buffer systems in the various production sections have been software-controlled.

Gerhard Vauth,
Manager purchasing and IT

Only in a networked system like this can the production technology of the two processing centers be used with the greatest efficiency on through to packing and dispatch.

The A+W Cantor production control ensures that each element is directed purposefully to the correct buffer position – even if, for example, sashes and blind frames are welded alternately on the same line or remakes with the highest priority “overtake” the pre-planned production batches.

Such flows show how IT-controlled processes result in concrete service advantages for customers.

Monitors and scanners have replaced stacks of paper and files. At manual workstations, the dtH Tiemann employees obtain true to scale sketches and production drawings on the A+W Cantor CIM screen with a click of the mouse. Elements are identified, registered, and reported ready with bar code readings: here the label is the most important bearer of information.
Osterfeld 40
32479 Hille
+49 5703 9207 0