Schlotterer Sonnenschutz Systeme GmbH
Sun protection specialist networks customers via A+W iQuote webshop
Schlotterer is Austria’s market leader for exterior non-textile sun protection. The product range includes roller shutters, exterior blinds, and Insect protection screens.
The whole company is networked with more than one hundred A+W Cantor monitor workstations, forty-three in the commercial area and seventy A+W Cantor Production stations in production and shipping. The company works virtually paperless.
While everyone is talking about Industry 4.0, important parts of this concept have already been implemented at Schlotterer.

Frequently people overlook the fact that Industry 4.0 does not begin in the production facility: instead, company-spanning, highly mobile communication in the commercial sector is the prerequisite for successful automated production. For many Schlotterer customers, in the future this communication will begin in the Webshop A+W iQuote.