A+W Software
Our Software for
Windows & Doors
Our fenestrations software gives you full control over all commercial and technical processes.Glass Industries
Our glass software is the intelligent backbone of your business to control it all.A+W Milestones
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We are on an expansion course and are looking for new talent.
Satisfied Customer Voices

A+W Clarity Reference
The software is the brain and backbone of the company. Our old system was not suitable for the new requirements, so we replaced it with a comprehensive solution from A+W.

A+W Clarity Reference
The use of A+W Cantor by our retailers reduces the error ratio considerably, which saves us and the retailers lots of stress.
A+W News worldwide

Press release
A+W Software GmbH: Peter Dixen is stepping down from the management team after 10 years. Eric Herrmann is taking over as his successor.
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Glasstec 2024: Digital Innovations and Automation in Focus
At glasstec 2024, the focus was on digital technologies. Visitors discovered the A+W Glass Lab and the new A+W Smart Companion Dispatch app.
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Cyndi Brown joins A+W Software as a Project Manager for A+W Cantor Customers
Discover how Cyndi Brown is helping A+W Cantor (window & door) customers in her new role as Project Manager at A+W.
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