"There is no building block that we cannot handle with the A+W Cantor Software. We work almost 100% with A+W Cantor."

Martin Gugelfuss

- Gugelfuss GmbH


Top quality and service

Constant innovation with top technology, premium software, and well-qualified employees are the prerequisites for competitive products. This is what people expect from Gugelfuss. However, top products also demand perfect service, whether for trade partners or end customers, for service creates trust and stable customer relationships.

In the generously glazed production hall in Elchingen, the traditional company manufactures high-quality PVC windows, Gugelfuss’s main product, on 6,500 square metres of floor space.

A company that produces up to 1000 windows and doors each day requires perfectly coordinated processes for the best throughput with reliable quality. This was the underlying principle during reconstruction of the Elchingen plant in 2013. In 2017, Gugelfuss put the new, completely automatic Schirmer processing center into operation; it now provides generous production capacities.

Martin Gugelfuss,

All workplaces are equipped with A+W Cantor CIM Monitors. This way, machine operators on the welding machines can always see which profiles they must insert from which slots. Together with the barcode registration, this created a continuous information system – order folders, hand sketches, and other production papers are now a thing of the past. Each employee sees precisely the information he needs on his workstation.

Press Article

Constant innovation with top technology, premium software, and well-qualified employees are the prerequisites for competitive products. This is what people expect from Gugelfuss. However, top products also demand high-quality service, whether for trade partners or end customers, because high-quality service creates trust and stable customer relationships. The success of this Swabian family-owned company, which was founded in 1891 as a cooperage, relies on consistent attention to these prerequisites.
Logo Gugelfuss
Gugelfuss GmbH
Glockeraustraße 18-20
89275 Elchingen
+49 7308 815-0